Our Kind of Traitor

Our Kind of Traitor

When Perry and his wife, Gail, cross paths with the charismatic Dima on their Moroccan holiday, the forceful Russian is quick to challenge Perry to a friendly game of tennis. But this innocuous contest is not all it seems - Dima is a long-time servant of the Russian mafia, whose new boss, 'The Prince', wants him and his family dead. His only hope is to ask the unsuspecting Perry to broker him sanctuary with the British intelligence services, in return for exposing a vein of corruption that runs right to the heart of the City of London. Soon they find themselves on a tortuous journey through Paris to a safe house in the Swiss Alps and, with the might of the Russian mafia closing in, begin to realize this particular match has the highest stakes of all.


Original Language



  • 6.2

    IMDB Rating

  • 108 min


  • 13 May 16

    Release Date

  • R

    Censor Rating