Kindergarten Cop 2

Kindergarten Cop 2

Hot on the trail of the Eastern-European criminal kingpin, Zogu, unexpectedly, the old-school F.B.I. Agent, Reed, finds himself at a well-organised elementary school. Knowing that Zogu is after a tiny flash drive containing highly sensitive information, Reed has to pose as a substitute kindergarten teacher to stand a chance of retrieving the precious item that is hidden somewhere in the classroom of a mysteriously deceased instructor. Now, like a fish out of water, Reed needs to take control of the class without blowing his cover; however, this is easier said than done. Can tough officer Reed gain the classroom's confidence before it's too late?


Original Language



  • 4.4

    IMDB Rating

  • 100 min


  • 18 May 16

    Release Date

  • PG-13

    Censor Rating

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