The Abominable Dr. Phibes

The Abominable Dr. Phibes

Doctors are being murdered in bizarre manners - bats, bees, a killer frog mask, etc. - which represent the nine Biblical plagues of Egypt. The crimes are orchestrated by an organ-playing, demented madman (from his home base, replete with a clockwork orchestra and help from a beautiful, mute assistant). Detectives are stumped until they find that all the slain doctors once assisted a Dr. Vesalius on an unsuccessful operation involving the wife of organist Dr. Phibes, killed in a car crash upon learning of his wife's death. He couldn't be the culprit, could he?



Original Language



  • 7.1

    IMDB Rating

  • 94 min


  • 18 May 71

    Release Date

  • PG-13

    Censor Rating

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